Thank you for filling out this survey. As we contemplate the Long Range (next 5+ years) plans for Arisia, we want to be sure these plans include all of YOU. This is why we need your responses to these questions, and any other comments you may want to share with us. We would like this to continue to be our community’s convention and have the input from as many attendees as possible. So again, thank you very much for taking the time to fill this out. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] |
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How large do you think Arisia can comfortably be and still feel like Arisia to you? (the goal here is to figure out what sort of Arisia YOU are willing and/or happy to have happen) |
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Philosophy: Which of these statements appeals most to you? (Is most important to you?) Please order these in order of preference |
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| | I like attending Arisia, because my friends go, and I make new friends when I attend. I like working on Arisia because I like being a part of the whole staff. I like working on Arisia because I like being a part of my department/division. I like attending Arisia because of the quality of the panels I like attending Arisia because of the quantity of events i like to attend Arisia is a party with a few thousand of my closest friends. (attending is fun) Arisia is an event that a few hundred of my closest friends put on. (barn-raising) Arisia is a convention that has the most awesome events possible. Arisia is the most diverse convention in the northeast. I like working on Arisia because I like giving back to the community I attend Arisia because i like the Dealers/Art Show I come to Arisia to promote my other Convention I like that Arisia has childcare available I like that Arisia has children and teen centered activities and programming I like that Arisia has plenty of gaming I like that Arisia has a Maker Track
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What other things would you like to see Arisia do? (check all that apply)
What do you consider the “region” in Arisia’s “we are a regional con” to be? |
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| What would you like to see Arisia spend more money on? | | |
Should Arisia have “premium” events that cost extra to attend? Examples include concerts, ice cream socials, or other events that are unusually expensive to put on. |
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| What are the things, without which, Arisia would no longer be/feel like Arisia for you? | | |
| What is your favorite thing about Arisia? | | |
| What do you think could be improved about Arisia? | | |
| What do you think Arisia could do to be more welcoming to a diverse community? | | |
We are asking you these questions so we have a better understanding of the demographics of Arisia. This information will help us be more inclusive of actual Arisians, rather than the assumptions we could make. You do not have to answer but it is very helpful for us to know this sort of data. Please answer as many of these questions as you feel comfortable with. |
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Because we do not want to ask how much money you make, we are instead asking: Do the financial costs of Arisia significantly affect your personal yearly budget? (if you are staff or have previously filled out this survey please skip this question) |
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| Email - if we want to follow up on any of your answers | | |